

The task: To Develop MVP for marketplace that deals with shipment and special equipement renting. Among key features are creating an account or logging in, separate accounts for users/companies, Yandex Maps integration, filters, ads pages, admin panel to manage user roles and technique.


Ezdyn.RF - is a web site platform where one can rent cargo trucks or special equipemnt. Truck owners register (check in), upload available transport and price conditions. The service is integrated with Yandex Maps that's why the ads are displyed in the map. So the user can easily find the truck or equipment, connect with the owner and make a deal on site.


Laravel, Nuxt.js, SPA (Single Page Application)

Our role:

  • UI design
  • HTML coding
  • Front-end
  • Back-end

Main page

We have integrated location and trasport type filters to the main page. We have also sorted the ads by city, transport type (construction equipment or cargo trucks) like on so the user can easily find a proper offer. Further on we have placed key advantages and business conditions for equipment owners. Then the owners proceed to personal account where up-to-date offers show up.



The users can see two types of ads in the catalogue - cargo shipment and special equipment. On the left one can find the filters to ease ad search. Ads display main information for the users. One can also see the ads on the map as on One can look into contact details and monitor all available ads of the ad owner.



We have implemented chech in and verification process through text messages. The user confirms the number, gets the message. Then the account status is changed into "the number is verified/confirmed". The companies fill in all the information and bank detials. Each account is additionally verified manually by resource administrator.


User`s Account

Equipment owner goes through registration as a company or as a user. "My garage" tab can be found in the account so one can add there any equipment, insert parameters i.e. dimensions, trailer capacity, add location on the map.


Transport page.

Equipment section contains key information - photo, description, registration number, body type location, features (model, brand, length, width, height, trailer capacity). There are 3 types of rental price - per hour, per shift, per km. The owner specifies the best conditions for the deal.


Admin panel.

The main objective of admin panel is easy and quick management of transport uploaded by owners given a large amount of data. Each category has its specifics that should be considered. We have programmed new feautures of subcategories and parameters formation from admin panel. The administrator moderates new owner ads in a separate tab. He can also ban the owner`s account for rule violation or improper behavior.