
Online service development

We cooperate with medium and large scale business / (enterprises) We develop digital products that automate processes, save resources and increase your profit.

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Collaboration terms

Fixed price
Starting from 10 000 USD — small-budget projects with specified results (corporate sites)
Time and Material
From 20 USD/ per Hour - medium scale projects, when final aims are not specified
MVP development
From 8 000 USD — for startups and new products, with hypothesis test and custdev feedback


Digital product for the world’s leading manufacturer in heating systems
International project, multilingual website on Bali holiday trips

digital product development encompases

  • Market research andanalysis
  • interfacedesign
  • ui/ux design
  • HTML  coding
  • Front-enddevelopment
  • Back-enddevelopment
  • Testing (manual and automated)
  • Support andupgrade revision

Product development technique

The method is tested on multiple projects and is a perfect match for unconventional and individual projects. At the very beginning one never knows the end target when dealing with startup or innovative project.

That is why we start with initial version works, development and product placement in 2-3 months’ period. We also collect customers’ feedback and make decisions meeting users’ demands.

  • <1> We also do market research create CJM
  • <2> Develop an interactive prototype
  • <3> Define MVP model – minimum viable product version
  • <4> Formulate technical requirements and MVP quote
  • <5> Start product development (back-end & front-end)
  • <6> Test and introduce revisions
  • <7> Launch MVP
  • <8> Define product development road map
  • <9> We take 2-week sprints based on scrum methodology

Do you have any project?

Do you have a project?

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